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Professor Prithwish Banerjee

Consultant Cardiologist

I am a cardiologist working in Coventry & Warwickshire, UK. I was trained in the Yorkshire (Leeds) Deanery and obtained my accreditation (CCST) in cardiology and General Internal Medicine in 2004 and in the same year was appointed as a consultant cardiologist at University Hospitals Coventry & Warwickshire to lead the heart failure service. I have expertise in heart failure, general and preventative cardiology, echocardiography (transthoracic, transoesophageal, stress echo), cardiac catheterisation and cardiac biopsies, cardiorenal disease, cardiac rehabilitation, and academic cardiology. Heart Failure is my first love.


I was privileged to be the lead for heart failure for the Coventry & Warwickshire Cardiovascular Network from 2005 to 2013. In 2007 I became an Honorary Associate Professor at the University of Warwick Medical School, Research Lead in cardiology in my hospital in 2011, Cardiovascular Research Lead for the West Midlands NIHR Clinical Research Network in 2012 as well as Chair for the Midlands Heart Failure Group. I currently hold all these positions. I was appointed Honorary Professor of Cardiology by Coventry University in May 2017 and by University of Warwick (Warwick Medical School) in August 2019. I am a fellow of the Royal College of Physicians of UK and of the European Society of Cardiology.


I have a strong interest in teaching and training and am a teacher and examiner for Warwick Medical School. I teach and deliver lectures also to junior doctors, advanced trainees, at medical society meetings, as well as at national and international conferences. I am an examiner for MRCP PACES and for academic degrees such as MRes, MD and PhD with various UK universities.


In the clinical field I have devoted myself to achieve excellence in heart failure care by bringing in passion, energy, innovation, insight and expertise. This is exemplified in the work of the team of 8 heart failure specialist nurses and 2 consultants that I am privileged to lead and in the services provided by this team including, day care intravenous diuretics and iron, a robust and large community heart failure service, ultrafiltration for refractory fluid overload, device therapy, cardiac rehabilitation and unique clinics for difficult patients such as those with cardiorenal syndrome and heart failure with preserved ejection fraction (HFPEF).


My academic work is focused on areas where there is poor understanding and limited or no treatment options. Having previously secured research grants of around £400,000.00 from grant bodies I am striving to look deeper into the understanding of HFPEF patients in order to find a cure (PhD project with Warwick University). My other research interests include cardiorenal disease and a new method of exercise training using electrical muscle stimulation (EMS) of the legs. This method of exercising is very promising for those that can't engage in conventional exercise and may improve mobility in those that have weak leg muscles such as the frail elderly.

Areas of Expertise

Heart Failure, General and Preventative Cardiology, Cardioenal Disease, Echocardiography, Cardiac Catheterisation and Cardiac Biopsy, Academic Cardiology

The summer rain is like soft kisses,

Our pulsing wheels

Make a rhythmic pattern

While we share

The sounds and the silence.

Minutes later

The western sky is a rainbow

The rain is lighter, and with you

I just carry on

Biking in the rain.

Frequent cheeseburgers and chips

Makes you heavy at the hips,

Repeated doses of vindaloo

Sticks to your arteries like glue;

Thick bars of sweet

With a drink to match,

Might propel you into

The diabetic patch.

Smoking is sin, fats taboo

Yes, it’s you I am talking to.



I keep sunshine in my pockets

If you want I will give you some

But you will have to please me first

With a song when you next come


They come in coloured packets

For the time of the day

There is also one for night-time

I know what you will say


If you wanted to celebrate

Or were down in the dumps

A few packets of sunshine

Won't fail to bring the bumps


Let me make it clear though

I don't sell this for a fee

You only get it from me

If you please me.




Layer-specific strain in hypertensive patients with and without mild diastolic dysfunction

H Sharif, S Ting, L Forsythe, G McGregor, P Banerjee, D O'Leary, D Ditor, ...,Echo Research and Practice, ERP-17-0072


Heart failure: a story of damage, fatigue and injury?

P Banerjee, Open heart 4 (2), e000684


Inpatient Monitoring of Decompensated Heart Failure: What Is Needed?

D Ali, P Banerjee, Current heart failure reports 14 (5), 393-397


Extracellular cardiac matrix biomarkers in patients with reduced ejection fraction heart failure as predictors of response to cardiac resynchronisation therapy: a syste...

CJ McAloon, D Ali, T Hamborg, P Banerjee, P O'Hare, H Randeva, ... Open heart 4 (2), e000639


Randomised feasibility trial into the effects of low-frequency electrical muscle stimulation in advanced heart failure patients

S Ennis, G McGregor, T Hamborg, H Jones, R Shave, SJ Singh, ...

BMJ open 7 (8), e016148


1 Sacubitril/valsartan in chronic symptomatic heart failure with reduced ejection fraction: first clinical experience from a large uk tertiary centre, D Ali, F Riley, S Kirkland, J Hyland, P Banerjee

Heart 103 (Suppl 5), A1-A1


Eosinophilic myocarditis due to vasculitis

PP Banerjee, V Dhakshinamurthy' EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF HEART FAILURE 19, 15-15


Randomised pilot study into the effects of low frequency electrical muscle stimulation in advanced heart failure patients

SA Ennis, S Anthony, G Mcgregor, T Hamborg, H Jones, R Shave, ...



Heart Failure DIVERT (Daycase Intravenous Effective Relief Therapy) Project. CMV Watson, F Umar, J Mccann, J Hyland, H Nicholson, G Jones, F Riley, ...EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF CARDIOVASCULAR NURSING 16, S66-S66


High-intensity interval training versus moderate-intensity steady-state training in UK cardiac rehabilitation programmes (HIIT or MISS UK): study protocol for a multice...

G McGregor, S Nichols, T Hamborg, L Bryning, R Tudor-Edwards, ...

BMJ open 6 (11), e012843


Does left ventricular diastolic dysfunction progress through stages? insights from a community heart failure study

P Banerjee, A Motiwala, HM Mustafa, MA Gani, S Fourali, D Ali

International journal of cardiology 221, 850-854


Heart failure with preserved ejection fraction: A clinical crisis

P Banerjee

International journal of cardiology 204, 198-199


Editor Note: Cardiovascular Diseases and Their Management

P Banerjee


A rare case of primary cardiac lymphoma

AM Khan-Kheil, HM Mustafa, DV Anand, P Banerjee

BMJ case reports 2015, bcr2015211208


Reduced cardiovascular reserve in chronic kidney failure: a matched cohort study

SMS Ting, T Hamborg, G McGregor, D Oxborough, K Lim, S Koganti, ..., American Journal of Kidney Diseases 66 (2), 274-284


The optimum heart rate and blood pressure control in chronic heart failure patients varies with the heart rhythm.

H Iqbal, S Asfandyar, MG Povey, P Banerjee



Functional cardiovascular reserve predicts survival pre-kidney and post-kidney transplantation

SMS Ting, H Iqbal, H Kanji, T Hamborg, N Aldridge, N Krishnan, ...

Journal of the American Society of Nephrology 25 (1), 187-195


Reduced functional measure of cardiovascular reserve predicts admission to critical care unit following kidney transplantation

SMS Ting, H Iqbal, T Hamborg, CHE Imray, S Hewins, P Banerjee, ...,PloS one 8 (5), e64335


Intravenous diuretic day-care treatment for patients with heart failure

P Banerjee, G Tanner, L Williams.Clinical Medicine 12 (2), 133-136


Urinary retention and heart failure: One of the many precipitating causes of decompensation. D Ali, M Niemeijer, P Banerjee

International journal of cardiology 154 (2), e38-e39


The impact of cardiac resynchronisation therapy on palliative management of advanced heart failure

N Khan, P Banerjee, D Munday. European Journal of Palliative Care 19 (4), 168-174


Left Ventricular Diastolic Dysfunction is Associated with Increased Vascular Resistance and Reduced VO2max in Patients Awaiting Kidney Transplantation. SM Ting, S Koganti, R Higgins, C Imray, N Aldridge, R Bland, D Zehnder, ..., Circulation 124 (Suppl 21), A9270-A9270


Prolonged electrical muscle stimulation exercise

P Banerjee, B Caulfield, L Crowe, A Clark. BMJ 2011


Arterial-ventricular interaction in patients with heart failure with normal ejection fraction (HFNEF) and systolic heart failure (SYSHF)

A Gunarathne, I Ansari, S Siyabalapitiya, D Dutton, P Glennon, ...



Primary angiography but not primary angioplasty-two year experience from a UK tertiary centre

V Venugopal, M Been, H Singh, PE Glennon, D Adamson, ...



A rare type of ‘coronary arterial—left ventricular fistula’via thebesian veins in a Fragile X syndrome carrier

S Koganti, A Gunarathne, P Desai, P Banerjee

Cardiology journal 18 (3), 318-319


Journal of Clinical & Experimental Cardiology

J Ghitelman, WS Aronow, JG Diez, W Shi, W Yusuf, TC Villines, ...


Comparison of non-invasive Arteriograph-derived central blood pressure with direct aortic central pressure in patients undergoing coronary angiography

A Gunarathne, D Dutton, P Banerjee, P Glennon, DRJ Singer



Do heart failure patients understand their diagnosis or want to know their prognosis? Heart failure from a patient's perspective

P Banerjee, L Gill, V Muir, S Nadar, Y Raja, D Goyal, S Koganti

Clinical medicine 10 (4), 339-343


Facets of writing medical poetry

P Banerjee

Clinical Medicine 10 (3), 301-303


Disparity in cardiovascular risk stratification between a novel non-invasive arterial stiffness method and three conventional risk scores in a high risk population

D Dutton, J Fullerton, A Gunarathne, W Dimitri, P Banerjee, ...

Heart 96 (Suppl 1), A69-A70


Electrical muscle stimulation for chronic heart failure: an alternative tool for exercise training?

P Banerjee, Current heart failure reports 7 (2), 52-58


Use of Cardiopulmonary Exercise Testing To Assess Patients on Renal Transplant Waiting List. H Kanji, J Mckinnell, P Banerjee, D Watson, C Imray, R Higgins, ..., American Journal of Transplantation 10, 55


Successful use of intra-aortic counter pulsation therapy for intractable ventricular arrhythmia in patient with severe left ventricular dysfunction and normal coronary art.... D Goyal, SK Nadar, B Wrigley, S Koganti, P Banerjee. Cardiology journal 17 (4), 401-403


Prolonged electrical muscle stimulation exercise improves strength, peak VO2, and exercise capacity in patients with stable chronic heart failure. P Banerjee, B Caulfield, L Crowe, AL Clark. Journal of cardiac failure 15 (4), 319-326


Primary cardiac undifferentiated sarcoma of the right atrium presenting with cardiac tamponade. PK Kong, S Theodorou, E Beran, H Singh, W Dimitri, Cardiovascular Pathology 18 (2), 110-113


Presentation of an embolised Amplatzer septal occluder to the main pulmonary artery 2 years after implantation

DN Lysitsas, B Wrigley, P Banerjee, PE Glennon, JM Parmar, MF Shiu, ..., International journal of cardiology 131 (3), e106-e107


Replacement of a congenital bicuspid aortic valve in a patient with left ventricular noncompaction. BJ Wrigley, M Rosin, P Banerjee

Texas Heart Institute Journal 36 (3), 241


Cardiac tamponade because of left atrium direct invasion by a large cell neuroendocrine metastatic carcinoma of the lung

DN Lysitsas, P Banerjee, MF Shiu, European Journal of Echocardiography 9 (3), 428-429


Preserving left ventricular function during percutaneous coronary intervention.

P Banerjee, The Journal of invasive cardiology 19 (10), 440-443


Heart failure prevention: A priority. P Banerjee. Geriatric Medicine-37 (7), 27-30


Prolonged electrical muscle stimulation exercise improves strength and aerobic capacity in healthy sedentary adults. P Banerjee, B Caulfield, L Crowe, A Clark, Journal of Applied Physiology 99 (6), 2307-2311


Electrical stimulation of unloaded muscles causes cardiovascular exercise by increasing oxygen demand. P Banerjee, A Clark, K Witte, L Crowe, B Caulfield, European Journal of Cardiovascular Prevention & Rehabilitation 12 (5), 503-508


Repeat thrombolysis for acute myocardial infarction. P Banerjee, AL Clark, MS Norell, International journal of cardiology 102 (3), 515-519


Giant right coronary artery aneurysm presenting as a mediastinal mass

P Banerjee, T Houghton, M Walters, GC Kaye, Heart 90 (9), e50-e50


161 Home based exercise training by electrical muscle stimulation in chronic heart failure improves peak V02, exercise time and leg muscle strength

P Banerjee, B Caulfield, L Crowe, L Ingle, JGF Cleland, AL Clark

European Journal of Heart Failure 3 (S1), 32-32



B Caulfield, L Crowe, C Minogue, P Banerjee, A Clark

Journal of Exercise Physiology Online 7 (3)


Diastolic heart failure. Paroxysmal or chronic?

P Banerjee, AL Clark, N Nikitin, JGF Cleland

European journal of heart failure 6 (4), 427-431


1165-134 Can electrical muscle stimulation of the legs produce cardiovascular exercise?

P Banerjee, B Caulfield, L Crowe, AL Clark

Journal of the American College of Cardiology 43 (5), A233


Diastolic heart failure

P Banerjee, AL Clark, JG Cleland

American Journal of Geriatric Cardiology 13 (1), 16-21


Diastolic heart failure: a difficult problem in the elderly

P Banerjee, AL Clark, JGF Cleland

The American journal of geriatric cardiology 13 (1), 16-21

1346 Exercise training by electrical muscles stimulation in normal subjects has a beneficial effect on exercise capacity, muscle strenght and body mass index

P Banerjee, K Witte, S Chattopadhyay, R DeSilva, B Caulfield, L Crowe, ...

European Heart Journal 5 (24), 258


Whatever happened to silent ischaemia?

P Banerjee, T Banerjee, AL Clark



Diastolic heart failure: neglected or misdiagnosed?

P Banerjee, T Banerjee, A Khand, AL Clark, JGF Cleland

Journal of the American College of Cardiology 39 (1), 138-141


 What is the mortality rate for cardiogenic shock complicating myocardial infarction? How should such patients be managed to improve outcome and what are the r...

P Banerjee, MS Norrell

100 Questions in Cardiology, D Holdright, H Montgomery, Wiley-Blackwell 100 questions in cardiology


Cardiogenic shock complicating acute myocardial infarction: what's new?

P Banerjee, MS Norell



Left ventricular diastolic function

P Banerjee




S Ennis, G McGregor, T Hamborg, H Jones, R Shave, S Singh, ...


Impending paradoxical embolism in a patient with pulmonary embolism: case report and literature

P Banerjee, F Alamgir, M Norell, A Clark, G Kaye



Research Grants


â–ª 2015: NIHR CRN grant: Heart Failure With Preserved Ejection Fraction-pathophys iology and effect of inhaled Iloprost; £25,000.



â–ª 2013: NIHR RFPB programme grant. Effects of Continuous Electrical Muscle Stimulation on Functional Capacity, Cardiac and Vascular Structure and Function, Physical Activity and Quality of Life in Advanced Heart Failure Patients: A Pilot Study.; £189,000.


â–ª 2012: CLRN West Midlands (south) Open Call Grant to expand the cardiology research unit at UHCW NHS Trust with 2 additional Band 5 research nurses and admin support; £100,000 


â–ª  2012:  CLRN West Midlands (south) mentorship programme grant held jointly with Daniel Zehnder on renal/cardiac joint project.  The effects of dynamic exercise training and low frequency electrical muscle stimulation during haemodialysis on cardiovascular, metabolic and renal function: a pilot study; £100,000


â–ª  2011: BHF Grant held jointly with Daniel Zehnder( PG/11/66/28982); Improvement in LV geometry and CV functional capacity after restitution of the failing kidney through Transplantation; £219,703 






Contact Me

I consult privately at the Warwickshire Nuffield Hospital, Leamington Spa and at the BMI Meriden Hospital, Coventry. Please find the contact details below: 





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